I am working on a research paper titled People Management 2015. One of the books I read was Megachange 2050 It helped me understand where the world is going in the next 20 to 30 years. It covers the trends well. Here is a video of the editor talking about the book. It is a good book, if you are a researcher. Not a coffee shop read.
The predictions are that by 2050 the world will be a richer, healthier place. By 2020 women will be more successful in the work place and will outnumber men in the US workforce. The economic center of gravity will shift towards the east. A larger portion of the working age population will be in the east.
The predictions are that by 2050 the world will be a richer, healthier place. By 2020 women will be more successful in the work place and will outnumber men in the US workforce. The economic center of gravity will shift towards the east. A larger portion of the working age population will be in the east.