Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Kind Of Mail That Makes It All Worthwhile

My former DigitalThink colleague, Shiva Kumar Naspuri joined Nokia as a product manager this week. He wrote this email to me and Erik Sowa yesterday. I am so proud of him.

Hi Prashanth,
I wanted to thank you for all the support at DigitalThink. Your trust and encouragement at DigitalThink has really boosted my confidence in all respects and always helped me plan and achieve something better in my career. In fact, this is how I secured my current role at Nokia as a Product Manager and even my previous roles. There isn't a better place than DigitalThink when it comes to learning for me. It has helped shape a new direction for my career and I am glad you saw it in me even before I did.

Hope all is well. Thank you so much for supporting Prashanth in passing on the responsibility to me in India. It meant a lot to me and my career :). I am excited about this new opportunity. I am confident that I have developed the right skills to perform well in this role.

[fingers crossed]

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