Saturday, May 21, 2011

Invitation To Influence The Design Of The New SAP Enterprise Learning Portal

The SAP Enterprise Learning team lead by product owner Srinivasa "Srini" Raghavachar is renovating the Learning Portal to improve usability. Srini asked me to spread the word with SAP Enterprise Learning customers who are keen on influencing the design and usability of the Learning Portal.

This is an opportunity for you, if you are a current SAP Enterprise Learning customer, to influence or at least get a sneak peek into the design improvements made to the product months before the beta release.

For some reason, we force our customers to fill out a form when we ask them for their help. I apologize in advance for putting you through that process. Here is my offer to you. If you are interested email me at prashanth dot padmanabhan at sap dot com and I will fill out the form on your behalf.

If you would like to fill out the form yourself, to join the co-innovation program, you can do so from

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