Friday, November 12, 2010

People I Follow To Keep Up With The Bleeding Edge Of Enterprise Collaboration

Josh Bernoff @JBernoff
Why: Josh always gives examples and talks about real world examples, and even mentions the failure of his earlier case studies. He co-authored two of the seminal books. Groundswell and Empowered. Josh also has deep insight into mobile strategy for businesses. He believes that all employee needs to be empowered with Web 2.0 technologies as well. Not just select customer facing folks.

Andrew McAfee @amcafee
Why? He coined the term Enterprise 2.0. Although some thought leaders have stopped using the word Enterprise 2.0.

Jeremiah Oywang @jowyang
Why? He is a doer. He shares his learnings at customer meetings like a fire hose and has a blog on web strategy where he posts his thoughts routinely. I subscribe to his blog. Not every post is useful for people focused on enterprise collaboration. But most are.

Charlene Li @charleneli
Why? She coauthored Groundswell and authored Open Leadership. Charlene does not share via blog and twitter as much as Jeremiah. May be because she is busy building a business.

Am I missing someone obvious. Any more suggestions?

I did not include the magazines and organizations I follow.

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