Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Long Tail Of Ice Creams and Social Media Marketing

Chris Anderson in his book, The Long Tail talks about why the future is about selling less of more. He says that there will be a product, even if the market size is minuscule. This is made possible by the advent of social media. I experienced this recently while shopping for ice cream shopping. I had heard about an ice cream place called Nirvanaah from @Chirag_Mehta.

Nirvanaah sells exotic flavors of ice creams. You would think that with 31 choices Baskin Robbins would meet all your ice cream needs. No it does not. At Nirvanaah, there are flavors such as Paan, Seetaphal and so on. Many of these flavors make sense only to those who know the ingredients before.

The Paan flavored ice cream for example is made out of betel leaves, a leaf that is chewed by Indians after a meal to help with digestion. Some spike it with tobacco and other ingredients. I took a tub of icecream for a dinner party and it was a big hit with friends and neighbors.

Social media is a main reason why long tail products will survive. Nirvanaah does not have to invest in marketing heavily. I am blogging about this. My neighbors asked me to post the location info in our neighborhood community wiki, which I did. I also posted it in myeatingplaces wiki where a few friends and I share details of our favorite eating places with each other. Nirvanaah also have a facebook page where 11 people like them. The traditional word-of-mouth marketing is now-a-days amplified manyfold, by social media .

Here is the address if you are in the San Francisco bay area and want to try it.
1038 E El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 331-1788

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