Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sharing and Collaborative Consumption

Yesterday, I attended a two hour panel discussion where a group of three entrepreneurs and two experts, one of them an author of the book 'What's mine is Yours ', discussed collaborative consumption. It was organized Bay Area Future Salon. I came away very informed, impressed and with more faith in humanity. It was nice to see smart, young entrepreneurs taking a long term view and dedicating their career to move the world away from owning more to sharing and consuming together.

I learned about new services such as Zimride, and AirBNB. The Panel discussed the advantages, problems, legal changes, criteria for success, and pricing among other things.

According to Wikipedia, The term collaborative consumption is used to describe the cultural and economic force away from 'hyper-consumption' to re-invented economic models of sharing, swapping, bartering, trading or renting that have been enabled by advances in social media and peer-to-peer online platforms.

The video below gives you a quick idea about what is happening in the world of sharing.

WHAT'S MINE IS YOURS from rachel botsman on Vimeo.

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