Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enterprise 2.0 tools help make work more meaningful

If you are designing, developing, marketing or selling Enterprise 2.0 tools, you should be very proud of what you do. You are helping people find meaning at work. Making a difference in other people's lives used to be the privilege of kings, rich philanthropists and corporate titans. It also used to be something that people did outside their work. They worked during the week to make money, they pursued their passions on weekends and focused on doing good after they retired. Today’s workers not only want to make a difference in the world, they want their every day work to make a difference to people right from day one.

They have help. Using Enterprise 2.0 tools they can and are making a difference at work and in other people's lives much earlier than the previous generations. The current macro economic conditions, of abundance, outsourcing and automation are actually nudging them to be a creative class that is passionate about what it does, rather than be a cog in the wheel. In fact this generation has no other choice but to be passionate, creative, entrepreneurial, collaborative and community oriented. Enterprise 2.0 tools are enabling this generation pursue their passion and find meaning at work.

I hope this knowledge makes your work of creating and marketing Enterprise 2.0 tools a bit more meaningful.

If you are interested in reading more about the changing nature of work, "A Whole New Brain" by Daniel Pink is a good read.

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